The philosophy of Iqbal.!!A

The poet East, Allama Muhammad Iqbal, was not only a great poet, but also a great thinker. In Iqbal's poetry, the aspect of philosophy looks immensely prominent, which is also a mirror of his immersive personality. Iqbal's word contains the philosophy of self, as well as the philosophy of microscopes. Iqbal says:

He has given me wisdom.

He taught me how to make love.

Iqbal's place of love is more than microscopic, i.e. wisdom and wisdom. In the concepts and ideas of Iqbal, the jinn have central importance and Iqbal also has many comprehensive arguments for this superiority over the microscope of the jinn. For Iqbal, love is the passion that awakens the power of action in the image of clay and creates the aspiration to live in it.

Bombs in the life of love

In the pictures of the Earth from Love

Iqbal likens wisdom to the lamp way that love can only be delivered to the original destination.

Beyond the light

The lamp is not the destination

Love is faith, wisdom asks for arguments from Man, attention is demanded, but love is only the name of faith. The beloved said and the lover believed. Why, how to ask questions the meaning. Iqbal makes the microscope cunning and loving that she makes a person doubt, so disguises while Love is simple and sincere to them.That's why Iqbal says:

It is not a criticism.

The foundation of love

Iqbal is not in favor of subjecting the heart to the mind, that the brain thinks the logical end, which can cause a person not to have the passion to do something that generates passion and passion. Mankind is able to do what they do not know.

There is no danger in the fire.

It's a good idea to have a bamboo right now.

Iqbal says that the people of the times have considered intellect a torch for themselves, while in fact they do not know that Jinn have more understanding than intellect. 

Not that Iqbal is totally opposed to common sense. They are only wise.

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In the sight of Iqbal, the microscope makes a person timid, while the jinn instill in a person courage and fearlessness, and he does anything to find his destination. That is why they pray to Allah for themselves: